Connecting Safely to Your Trezor® Device

Trezor hardware wallets provide robust security for managing your cryptocurrencies. Follow these steps to safely connect and log in to your Trezor device:

1. Connect Your Trezor Device

  • Plug your Trezor hardware wallet into your computer using the provided USB cable.

  • Ensure the connection is secure and that your Trezor device is properly recognized by your computer.

2. Visit the Trezor Wallet Interface

  • Open your web browser and navigate to

  • This official Trezor Wallet interface supports secure communication with your Trezor device.

3. Initialize Your Trezor Device

  • If it’s your first time connecting your Trezor device, follow the on-screen instructions to initialize it.

  • Set up a PIN directly on your Trezor device to protect access. This PIN ensures that only you can authorize transactions from your device.

4. Enter PIN and Verify

  • On the Trezor device’s screen, you will be prompted to enter your PIN.

  • Use the Trezor’s touchscreen or buttons to enter your PIN securely.

5. Access Your Wallet

  • Once authenticated, the Trezor Wallet interface will display your account balance and transaction history.

  • From here, you can send and receive cryptocurrencies securely using your Trezor device’s private keys, which are stored offline.

6. Security Best Practices

  • Regularly update your Trezor device’s firmware through the Trezor Wallet interface to ensure it has the latest security features.

  • Enable passphrase encryption for an additional layer of security, if desired, to protect your funds further.

7. Logging Out

  • Always remember to log out of your Trezor Wallet session when you’ve finished managing your cryptocurrencies.

  • Disconnect your Trezor device from the computer once you’ve completed your transactions to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

8. Backup and Recovery

  • Keep your recovery seed (mnemonic phrase) safe and secure. It is essential for recovering access to your wallet in case your Trezor device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  • Store your recovery seed offline in a secure location and avoid sharing it with anyone.

9. Support and Assistance

  • For additional help or troubleshooting, visit the Trezor Support Center available at Here, you can find comprehensive guides and FAQs to assist you.

  • Engage with the Trezor community through forums and social media channels for further support and to stay informed about updates and security best practices.


Connecting safely to your Trezor device ensures that your cryptocurrencies remain secure and accessible only to you. By following these steps and adhering to best security practices, you can confidently manage your digital assets with peace of mind using your Trezor hardware wallet.

Last updated